Suraj Kumar Mandal

Mobile App Development

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A Comprehensive Guide to Integrating OneSignal Pod in Swift for iOS

Introduction to OneSignal and Its Benefits OneSignal is a widely-used push notification service that has become an essential tool for iOS developers. By enabling seamless communication with users, OneSignal helps enhance app engagement and retention. Push notifications are crucial in the modern app ecosystem, as they provide timely updates, re-engage users, and drive them back […]

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Comparing Flutter and React Native: Features, Advantages, and Limitations

Introduction Hybrid mobile app development has gained immense popularity in recent years as it allows developers to build applications that can run on multiple platforms using a single codebase. This approach significantly reduces development time and cost, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to reach a wider audience. Two of the most popular

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The Best Hybrid Platforms for Mobile App Development in 2024

One of the most promising hybrid platforms for mobile app development in 2024 is Flutter. Developed by Google, Flutter has quickly gained traction in the developer community due to its impressive performance and cross-platform capabilities. Flutter uses a single codebase to create apps for both Android and iOS, eliminating the need for separate development teams

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Demystifying Swift 5 MVVM: A Comprehensive Project Structure Guide

In the world of iOS app development, choosing the right architectural pattern is crucial for building scalable, maintainable, and testable applications. The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern has gained immense popularity due to its separation of concerns and ease of testing. In this guide, we’ll explore how to structure a Swift 5 MVVM project in Xcode, accompanied

Demystifying Swift 5 MVVM: A Comprehensive Project Structure Guide Read More »

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